Binary Options Affiliate Programs

For years experts have been saying that the most influential aspect of the internet is the freedom it brings to all who use it.  In no place is this more clear than in the field of binary affiliate programs.  24option recognizes that as an affiliate, you have an expansive list of choices of programs so we make every effort to ensure that our program is the leading  affiliate program.

What is a binary options affiliate program?

Binary platforms have recently begun using affiliate marketing as a tool to bring in potential new clients by reaching them through new marketing methods.  Affiliate programs became one of the leading methods of client outreach because of the trusting relationship between the affiliate and the user who visits the site.  Affiliates have a unique connection to their visitors so that when you as an affiliate undertake the important decision to place 24option banners and creative on your site, you are telling your traffic that this is a product in which you believe.  That sentiment goes a long way into creating a strong bond between you as an affiliate, the trader, and 24option.
Binary affiliate programs are built around the idea of presenting the affiliate with a monetary gain for every trader who starts trading after visiting the affiliate’s site (or network, or viewing email campaign, etc.).  24option has built its binary option affiliate platform with generous compensation included for every trader who comes to 24option from your efforts.

How does it work?

When you register to become a digital options affiliate with 24option, you will be granted access to the web’s most comprehensive library of binary options media and creative.  You can use these creative to place on your site/blog/Facebook page so that your traffic will take notice and you can begin earning.  Our creative library is designed to make your site stand out and increase your traffic and your conversions.
In addition to access to 24option’s creative library, you’ll be given a unique lifetime cookie and tracking codes so that every creative you place on your site, or every email you send that refers to 24option, can be tracked accurately and securely so that you can confidently analyze your results and know exactly how much you are earning.
Are you interested in becoming a 24option affiliate?  Want to learn about our commission structure?  Click here to be taken to our dedicated affiliate site and register now to start giving your traffic the best platform on the web.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Here’s an exercise:  list the best thing you have ever purchased.  How did you find out about that item?  What finally convinced you to buy it?  Odds are a recommendation from a friend played a role in that decision, whether the friend told about the product or gave you that bit of information that made you buy it, a recommendation that you trust helped you decide.
Affiliate marketing is that friend, only online.  Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways for you to give your traffic valuable information while being able to monetize your site.

How does it work?

Quality sites, like 24option, want to attract new customers but they want potential customers who are interested in their product.  Therefore,  24option  contacts other sites that are related to the field of binary options and can best demonstrate the benefits of their platform.  These sites understand what a great product 24option is, and then they become an affiliate of 24option.
As an affiliate you will receive the latest updates about the site, the best creative materials for you to display on your site, and customized support to develop a marketing plan that is right for your site.  In short, you will have all the tools to succeed as an affiliate. As an affiliate your concern is to provide your traffic with the best possible links and option to earn real profit with a superior platform.

What do I need to become an affiliate of 24option? 

To become an affiliate of 24option you need to have a great attitude and a traffic source of any type.  This can be a website, a network, an email list, a Facebook page, etc.  You can become an affiliate if have you any method to communicate with your traffic.

Does affiliate marketing work?

Absolutely, especially in the binary options field!  Affiliate marketing has undergone major changes over the past few years to bring it to the forefront of how companies can effectively reach new clients.  On top of that, affiliates receive compensation for each new trader they bring to 24option.  This allows you, the site owner, to have an easy way to earn extra income while telling your traffic about the  great product that can earn them extra income as well.

I’m a trader; can I also be an affiliate?

Yes!  Some of 24option’s most successful affiliates are traders and you can have your income that you receive from your affiliate site paid directly to your trading account.  As a trader you know the benefits to 24option and can pass along the tips and strategies that you would want to know if you had not discovered binary options trading.

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

Are you interested in becoming a 24option affiliate but don’t know where to start?  We’re here to help with all of your questions about becoming an affiliate and exactly how affiliate marketing works it’s all in this page – Affiliate marketing for beginners.

What is affiliate marketing?

It’s a type of marketing where companies (like 24option) partner with other websites in order to promote the company to the website’s traffic.  Affiliate marketing provides generous compensation for the website’s owners for every trader that comes through their site to 24option.  By becoming an affiliate of 24option you are joining the industry’s best  affiliate program with an extensive library of creatives and the most competitive compensation on web.

What are the basics of affiliate marketing?

One reason that affiliate’s marketing is so successful is because it is so easy.  Once you register you simply enter 24option’s library of creatives and decide what the best fit for your site is.  And if you don’t have a site that doesn’t exclude you from becoming an affiliate, all you need is a traffic source.  This means a place where you can tell your friends, family, co-workers about things that interest you.  This could be a Facebook feed, twitter account, email list, whatever you have at your disposal.
Our creatives library is filled with unique and eye-catching content including: banners, designed emails, landing pages, and more!  When you register you will receive a unique, lifetime cookie that you can use to track all the transactions that go through your site/account/etc.

Does 24option offer any assistance to affiliates?

Of course!  Many new affiliates like to discuss the best was to market 24option on their sites and our team of affiliate managers is ready to help.  Thanks to our diverse collection of creative material our managers can work with you to develop a campaign that brings traders to 24option while enhancing your site and setting it apart from the crowd.
Whether you want to design a campaign by directly telling your traffic about all the benefits of 24option or displaying some creative in key spots on your site, the choice is yours.  Our affiliate managers are passionate about seeing our affiliates succeed and draw on their history of setting up campaigns to ensure that you employ proven tactics to bring traders to 24option.
Whether your site has only a few hits per month or a few million, you can use 24option’s creatives to make your site be unique while earning extra income for yourself.

CPA Affiliate Network

Our CPA affiliate network is one of the most powerful and influential affiliate networks of the online trading markets. Come be part of the best affiliate program in the binary options field and turn your traffic into revenue! Want to know how this is done? At 24option we have created an entire section in our site dedicated to helping you learn and understand why becoming our affiliate is profitable both to you as well as to your site’s audience.
CPA Affiliate Network – What is it?
An affiliate network is a group of sites, individuals and/or corporations which are all involved in directing traffic to a specific site, in this case, Each member of the network is remunerated on a Cost Per Action basis, hence the abbreviation CPA. A cost per action commission means affiliates are paid every time an individual referred by them performs the action requested by the home site.
In our case, the CPA occurs when the referred client opens an account with 24option and deposits funds. How much can one earn this way? At 24option affiliates are paid up to $250 dollars per activation! Not only that, the program assists you in creating traffic to you site, and converting this traffic into extra income. After all, we share a common goal!
CPA Affiliate Network – Sharing our Success
24option is the world’s leading binary options broker. That is why our affiliate network is so extensive, operating from everywhere around the world and strengthening our brand day by day. Why is this so important? Simple: our strong brand name and excellent reputation as leaders of the binary trading world create a much higher conversion rate, enabling our affiliates to earn more, and to do so more rapidly.
That is why you should visit our affiliate site and join our network today. And there is more than that: with our skills and experience in internet marketing, this affiliate program has an array of tools at your disposal to increase traffic and boost your site.
CPA Affiliate Network – Learn More
In this section you will find everything you need to become a successful affiliate. Get started with the Affiliate Marketing For Beginners page, then learn why choosing our binary options affiliate program is most profitable for you. Check out all the tools you can choose from to improve your site, or visit our affiliate site to get started now.
Either way, you will find valuable information and be safely on your way to cashing in from all that traffic! Remember, being part of our CPA affiliate network is easy, and you can get started right away. Moreover, our affiliate managers are ready to take your call and clear your doubts. Join our network and begin earning now!

Expiry Calculation

One of the best methods to improve your trading results is to understand every aspect of how binary options operate.  Learning about how the options are calculated at expiry is a valuable tool to understanding the world of binary options.  Expiry calculation refers to how the price of the asset is calculated at the time of the binary option’s expiry.  Since many assets employ both a bid and ask price, calculating of the expiry requires a formula to ensure that all expiries are calculated fairly and reflective of the market.  If you need more tips about the world of binary options or you want to learn about effective trading strategies you can view our binary options trading videos anytime, anywhere by clicking here.

Meticulous Methodology

Our trading platform calculates the expiry values by using the formulas detailed below.  Transparency is key to understanding the global markets and below you will find the formulas and terms used to calculate expiry times of all 24option’s options.  Familiarize yourself with the terminology and formulas in our Binary Options Glossary and you will be able to understand how the expiry calculation of each of the binary options that you invest in with 24option.

Expiry Calculation Terminology

The terms listed below are used at 24option when we describe our methodology of calculating expiry rates:
Bid Price – the bid price refers to the updated market price that is used for selling an asset before the option expiry time.
Ask Price – the ask price refers to the updated market price that is used for buying an asset before the option expiry time.
Last Trade – this term refers to the last price that was paid for the asset prior to the expiry time.
Last Quoted Index Price – this term refers to the last quote price for an index before the option’s expiry time
For any reason if there is a break in the information stream so that no pricing data is received for the 60 seconds before expiry time, the data used will be the very first price quote after the option expires.
Asset Level Expiry Calculations
Expiry Level Formula
The last quoted index price that appears in the data provider field at the expiry time
The sum of the bid and ask price / 2
The sum of the bid and ask price / 2
The sum of the bid, ask prices / 2
Individual Asset Expiry Calculation
To view how the expiry is calculated for individual assets, please see the asset index at the Binary Trading section.
If you have any other questions you can always contact a 24option account manager.

Early Closure

Profit in any market condition

One of the reason that 24option has climbed to the top of the binary options industry is the ability we give to our traders to profit in any condition, even when the market turns against you.
24option’s early closure tool is a built-in trading tactic that allows you to make the most of any trade, no matter which way the market moves.  Keep reading to find out exactly how early closure can earn you profit even in the most dire circumstances.

Early Closure – What is it?

Early closure allows a trader to exit out of an option before the expiry time for a percentage of the return.  For example, if an investment is going your way but you’re unsure if that trend will continue, you can use the early closure option to close the option before the expiry time and receive a percentage of your return, anywhere from 10% instead of 70% depending on the market.
This example also works in the reverse.  Imagine the market suddenly turns on your investment and instead of being a successful it looks like your investment will close out of the money.  Using early closure you can close out of the investment and receive a percentage of your original investment.

How do I use Early Closure?

Early closure is easy to use and is located in the center of the trading screen.  There are certain times in the life of the trade that early closure is available.  Early closure will only be available beginning three minutes after you have purchased the option and will be available until five minutes before your option’s expiry time.
To use the early closure option click on the ‘close’ button located underneath the Market Price and Target price fields in the option that you have purchased.  The number above the button is the current price is the price at which 24option is willing to close the option early.  Just click the button and that’s it!  You’ve closed the option early!  It’s simple, quick, and another profitable tool that 24option offers for successful binary options trading.

Is Early Closure available on all options?

While not all binary options have the correct parameters for early closure and so early closure is only available on certain option types.  For example, early closure is not available on 60 second options since the expiry time is too concise for an early closure option.  If you have questions about which assets are available, please contact your account manager.

Technical details

  • Terminology
    The following terms are used by 24option to calculate values for closing positions prior to the scheduled expiry time:
    Market Price: – The last known market price as calculated from Bid, Ask and Last Trade prices quoted by Data Provider.
    Time to Expiration: – The time left until the position reaches the scheduled expiry time.
    In the Money: – see ”In the Money” section below
    Out of the Money: – see ”Out of the Money” section below
  • In the Money Close Value Calculations

    Increase in close value

    The following parameters will always increase the early close value for positions currently “in the money”:
    Instrument Type of Option Parameter Change
    All All Time to Expiry Shortens
    High/Low High Market Price Increases
    High/Low Low Market Price Decreases
    One Touch No Touch Market Price Moves away from touch value
    Boundary In Bound Market Price Moves towards the middle of the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values
    Boundary Out Bound Market Price Moves away from the edges of the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values

    Decrease in close value

    The following parameters will always decrease the early close value for positions currently “in the money”:
    Instrument Type of Option Parameter Change
    High/Low High Market Price Decreases
    High/Low Low Market Price Increases
    One Touch No Touch Market Price Moves towards the touch value
    Boundary In Bound Market Price Moves towards the edge of the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values
    Boundary Out Bound Market Price Moves towards either edge of the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values
  • Out of the Money Close Value Calculations

    Increase in Close Value

    The following parameters will always increase the early close value for positions currently “out of the money”:
    Instrument Type of Option Parameter Change
    High/Low High Market Price Increases
    High/Low Low Market Price Decreases
    One Touch Touch Market Price Moves towards the touch value
    One Touch No Touch Market Price Moves away from touch value
    Boundary In Bound Market Price Moves towards the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values
    Boundary Out Bound Market Price Moves towards the edges of the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values

    Increase in close Value

    The following parameters will always decrease the early close value for positions currently “out the money”:
    Instrument Type of Option Parameter Change
    High/Low High Market Price Decreases
    High/Low Low Market Price Increases
    One Touch Touch Market Price Moves away from touch value
    One Touch No Touch Market Price Moves towards the touch value
    Boundary In Bound Market Price Moves away from the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values
    Boundary Out Bound Market Price Moves towards the edges of the boundary formed by the upper and lower target values
  • Availability
    Close position functionality is not available at the following times
    1. For a certain time after the position is purchased (typically 5 minutes)
    2. From the no more trades time (x minutes before the expiry time when trading is not allowed)
    In addition 24option reserves the right to suspend the early closure functionality at any time.

Trading eBook

binary eBook

Binary eBook - The world of binary options trading – now on your computer!

Are you excited to start your career as a binary options trader but don’t know where to begin?  24option has written a binary eBook that provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the world of binary options trading.  This binary eBook was written to provide traders of varying experience an introduction into the world of binary options.  This means whether you are a market novice or a full time trader on Wall Street, reading this book will provide you with a valuable introduction to binary options as well as an introduction to the 24option platform.
Learning how to trade binary options is simple, quick, and lucrative and this trading eBook demonstrates proven trading techniques so that you begin trading binary options successfully.
In 24option’s exclusive trading eBook you can learn about these topics:
  • What are binary options?
  • Get to know 24option’s platform
  • How to register with 24option
  • Understanding 24option’s terms and conditions
  • Learn about the different types of binary options
  • Learn how to select the option type that fits your investment style
24option’s eBook gives you the base on which you can begin building your successful binary options trading career.
The best part about 24option’s binary option trading eBook is that it is absolutely free!  You can download it here and read it on any computer, smartphone, or tablet, whichever device that’s easiest for you.  Simply download and begin reading today!
Upon completion of our eBook you can always find more information about binary options trading in the Options Trading Tutorial section.  In our Options Trading Tutorial section you can learn more tips and strategies about how to improve your binary options portfolio.
In our Education Center  you can learn about what assets you can trade at 24option, understand the major market reports that move the markets, and the various terms and phrases that are widely used in the binary options industry.
Do you have questions?  Contact our account management team via whichever method is easiest for you: live chat, email, or via telephone.  Visit our contact us page to get a full listing of local phone numbers and email addresses for the representative that is right for you.